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Airgun Designs / NXL Division Meca / Information

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Airgun Designs /  NXL Division Meca / Information Empty Airgun Designs / NXL Division Meca / Information

Message par Admin Ven 17 Mar - 12:00

SPREAD THE WORD! Good news for mechanical division in NXL. Looks like Mags should be allowed. The rule states:
"Shall not increase or decrease the force required to pull or hold the trigger to or at any position without the use of tools (“reactive trigger”, “pneumatic trigger assists”).
Mags cannot increase or decrease the force without a tool. It is also very clear that GOG is advertising and even sponsoring the NXL Mechanical division with it's new gun the Enmy Pro, which is clearly an air powered pneumatic trigger. From this perspective almost all mech guns are within the rules, including Tippmann flex valves, which are air charged triggers also. It is very clear in the rules that your gun must fire one shot per trigger pull and is not allowed to "run away". They will be testing for it. This means you mag owners that want to represent should make sure you are not running high pressure tanks. In fact lower the pressure a bit to be sure there is no bounce. Also make sure your activation point to fire is not so close. In other words use a longer on/off pin if you need to. .750 lengths should not allow the gun to be touchy but some may need a .755 or .760. Best to test it out as sometimes a longer pin will shut the gun down completely or make it shoot down under rapid fire.
Get out there and win with MAGS!
If anyone is privy to information that would dispute this understanding of the rules please post up!


Pour résumer, AGD nous informe que pour participer à la division NXL mécanique avec un lanceur à base de valve RT, la pression de service dois être comprise entre 750 et 760 pour éviter le tir accidentel quand la détente est relâchée. (Bonus ball)
Il est indiqué que le mode mécanique est en semi-automatique "pur": Un appui sur la détente et relâchement de celle-ci = un tir.
Il est fortement conseillé de ne pas utiliser de preset Haute Pression sur un Retro Valve mais un régulateur réglable.
Apollon de la raclette

Messages : 6218
Date d'inscription : 30/09/2015
Localisation : Paris


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